Membership to Coronet Bingo is FREE! Fill out the form via the link below to get a membership card that grants you access to the club and all its facilities. In joining the fun at Coronet Bingo, and attending our venue, you agree to abide by the club rules as displayed in the club and/or online. Please note you must be over 18 years of age to play Bingo. We operate the Challenge 25 Scheme and if you are lucky enough to look under 25 years of age you may be asked to produce physical ID to prove your age.
Privacy Policy
The information you give us in your application form will be used in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Our privacy policy outlines what we do with this information and can be found here.
Application Form
Please fill out the form via the link below and your membership card will be available to collect on your next visit.
If you experience any problems with the online application form or you are an existing member and would like to amend your details please contact us or feel free to fill out a paper application in-club.
| site designed by MJC Creative |
New Coronet Bingo Club, Broadway, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 8RU